Good stuff here! I would've liked for the guy giving the facts to be a little more enthusiastic/crazy about everything just to make the other guy get more scared, but still this was fun to watch.
Good stuff here! I would've liked for the guy giving the facts to be a little more enthusiastic/crazy about everything just to make the other guy get more scared, but still this was fun to watch.
I really liked this! This doesn't have to do with the animation or story, but I would've liked for the piano to be a little louder. It sounded too quiet to enjoy. Nice work though!
Dude, your animations astound me. Seriously, your short films are amazing. The camerawork and lighting is always what gets me. The animation could be better, but that's about it. I beg you to never stop what you're doing.
Only thing I would nitpick about this is the cliffhanger ending. The looking to his side at the very last second is too much of a cliche for me.
That was great! I loved the atmosphere/mood of it. How'd you get the snow particles to look so good?! So the story was nice, but it made no sense. It looked like these two characters were at least best friends. That flashback gave me the impression that that was the first time they met. So how'd the guy not remember that? I mean, they got snowed in and everything. I think I would remember that. That was the only part that took me out of it for a while though. You did a pretty good job on everything else. Nice work!
Ok? Ok?! You think it turned out 'OK'?! It was fantastic! You captured ButzboPrud's animation style almost perfectly. I'm subscribed to both of you, and I saw that both of your entries had come out when I checked Newgrounds. I didn't see which one I clicked on first, but just by looking at it, I could tell it was by Butzbo. I went to vote on it, and that's when I saw it was by you (I didn't pay attention to the intro, haha)! I had to rewatch it another two times to actually see that it was by you.
This was awesome. The colors were mesmerizing. The atmosphere you created was great. But I think the length was a bit too short. The story was a little hard to follow, too. Did he go to heaven? I guess it was okay though, because Butzbo's stories are hard to follow too! Haha.
Anyway, you made an awesome animation. I hope you keep making top-notch stuff like this!
This was amazing! I loved everything about it. Anyone can see that you really had to step out of your comfort zone to achieve StejkRobot's style. The only thing i think bothered me a little was the sound mixing. Maybe it's just me, but I noticed that the volume went way up when the action started. It makes sense that it would increase when the big moment hits, but I think it went a tad overboard. It was a bit distracting, but not enough to stop me from enjoying the film. You did a great job. I give you the best of luck on winning the competition. And you speak spanish, right? I'm just going to say, me gusto un buen! Yo creo que puedo hablar por mucha gente aquĆ cuando digo que tu eres uno de los mejores animadores en Newgrounds.
Hahah, I must say it was a really though challenge, and I'm glad it payed off on the animation aspects despite ending up in second place.
On the sound aspects, I normally work on the sound mixing myself, in between the process of finishing the animation, so I normally stop when I'm running out of time or when there's a much bigger priority on other details.
De todos modos, debo decir que fue genial llegar hasta este punto del torneo, muchas gracias por los comentarios!
Haha, very simple. For what it is, I like it alot. The sound effects were pretty funny and added a lot to the video. The animation, for me, was perfect for what you were going for. Good job!
thanks--got more coming--I'm trying to release a new video every Monday--I have a YouTube Chanel
Needs wings
I think this movie would have been awesome IF THE ANGEL HAD WINGS. A movie like this calls for at least just the main character to have wings. And when he gets Purged, his wings could all be destroyed and dismembered. If you're video had that, it would be amazing. I'm still giving it a 10 though. Its amazing.
But at one point, the main character would have had to stretch his wings all the way for that dramatic effect.
Same Ol', Same Ol'
I didn't like it at all. Want to know why? It uses stickfigures. That almost always... no. It ALWAYS means that there's war and fights. And the use of stuckfigures is just a sad excuse for not being able to draw people or anything else. I'm giving you two only because it had a good story.
This section is harder to come up with than a short film.
Age 28, Male
Joined on 5/6/09